Our mission is to solve
resource gaps
for marketing teams.  

20 + Years
Silicon Valley Marketing

Stealth is designed by marketers for marketers. We understand the complexities of running both small and large marketing teams and regardless of the size of your team there is almost always not enough resources on hand to accomplish your goals. We solve these resource gap issues with the best of the best marketing professionals.

About Stealth.ltd

We get it, a flat fee subscription based marketing service flips the industry on it's side, but as we enter the fast paced world of AI technologies, marketing teams are going to be expected to deliver more and more every month.

The team at Stealth. is changing the agency game forever with its revolutionary flat fee subscription marketing model.

Lightening fast deliver by humans, not AI, is our motto at Stealth. So if you are experiencing gaps in your marketing resources, feel free to try us out for a few months. At Stealth we are everywhere u wants us to be.

Our story

Stealth. is developed by long-time Silicon Valley CMO Dave Dabbah who successfully ran both small and large marketing teams since 2001, which includes numerous positive outcomes including both IPOs and acquisitions.

Finding strong market fit is always the challenge for every business, but once you understand why people purchase your products, then and only then does it become a game of execution. Ultimately Stealth was built to solve marketing resource gaps for companies that are looking to grow rapidly.

  • Product market fit analysis
  • Competitive analysis
  • Short term & long term planning
  • From strategy to creatives

All of the above are part of the Stealth process and we look forward to showing you how Stealth can solve your marketing resource gaps.


Let's chat about your marketing needs today.

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